NEW YORK Home Tours: Remarkably Diverse & Unforgettable Designs!
Get ready to welcome unique home design by architects, designers, stylists, writers, and free spirits across New York. These home tours form an amazing collection…
Get ready to welcome unique home design by architects, designers, stylists, writers, and free spirits across New York. These home tours form an amazing collection…
Pffft. It wasn’t the easiest day. I’m typing this with three bandaged fingers. That won’t stop me from encouraging you…and me. Because not only can…
You need this book. If you haven’t begun Christmas shopping, order it and be able to claim you HAVE. If you’re keeping track, I gushed…
Stunning Serene Nordic French Holiday Decorating Ideas are inspired by a home in…Spain! Spain? Yep. A rustic French country cottage in the Spanish countryside is…
Still cannot believe I cut my pinky finger deeply with gardening snips yesterday. Good gracious, I wasn’t even rushing. It’s a reminder we can be…
I injured my finger this afternoon while snipping hydrangea branches (nearly passed out from the blood and pain!) so typing is not the easiest. We…
I know. I know. It’s impossible to keep up with all of the loveliness. Is it truly October!?! Where’s my apple crisp? Do I really…
What does it even mean to entertain angels unaware? I remember studying Hebrews 13:2 back in junior high and not quite grasping the concept. In…
Whimsical Holiday Decorations: Get a Quirky Boho Look is a treat for all who appreciate a bit of child-like, imperfect, playfully pleasing joyfulness. As a…
It’s almost October which means snowy weather is probably mere days away! BOO! I’m sharing visual treats, not tricks (and no sources for faux cobwebs…
Yesterday, it was all about the simplicity of an outdoor firepit and s’mores, and today we’re moving indoors for fireplace season dreaming. After all, a…
Soon enough we’ll be waking to grey skies with a dusting of snow, so now is the time to savor autumn’s charms. Sweater weather seems…