I suppose it’s a combination of the extreme temperatures, autoimmune disease fatigue, and sunlight deprivation each January. In any case, we’re in that season on planet Michele where the mood shifts to slow. Homemaking, organizing, creating, and nesting at a gentler pace. Less frantic doing and planning. More self-compassion, warm bubble baths, and quiet contemplation. Simple yoga poses. Calm mornings. Writing music and poetry. Wintering wonder on the prairie.

Wintering Wonder & Slower Living
Clean Beauty Boosts
Lounging at home to others may signal a no-makeup day, but since the products I use are healthy for skin, they give both spirit and skin a glowing boost. Let’s face it. On the cusp of 60, I often look unhealthier than I am!
I value authenticity, but I am happy to fake a glow. Hahahahaha. It helps me feel a bit more confident facing the world.

Do you know Rose-Marie?
Daydreams of Beachy Days to Come
Feels like it has been ages since I was on a shore. Can we create a bit of beachy goodness at home?

Yummy Treats for Skin
I have extra dry skin because of autoimmune issues. In fact, I think what I have always called rosacea (because that’s what the dermatologist said!) is an autoimmune mask.

My sister asked the other day what my current favorite moisturizer is, and I rattled off a list. That’s because I need to have several on hand depending on my needs on any given day. Everything I reach for MUST be gentle since I’m sensitive. This is still always within hands reach:
Not sure if there is anything to the hype about bee pollen for skin, but I know my skin loves honey. And since there are only a few natural ingredients in Boomsilk, my sensitive skin loves it and won’t freak out.

This spray from Iris & Romeo is so convenient…if you’re the type who wants to just spray and go, this might be the ticket. My skin responds favorably to Monika Blunder’s blunder cover, and these little jars last forever. Use it where you need it, mix a little with oil for a moisturizing foundation all over, or just apply as concealer.

Winter weather can be drying and harsh for skin. The hydration from this sweet little humidifier above is hard to beat.
Cozy Von Cozy
If a cozy bedroom sounds swell, maybe these ingredients will inspire:

The appeal of all things Amber Lewis Interiors is strongly linked to cozy factor. Was so sad to hear her business burned in the fires. People crave comfort from natural materials and quiet luxury, and she creates interiors where many of us can imagine feeling right at home.

Lounge for the Win
Have you discovered Cozy Earth?
I have collected a few items for home (can’t live without their high quality bath linens) and want to try some of their loungewear.

Smiles, Giggles & Encouragement for Wintering Souls

Polar Bear Love
Watching this family in their natural habitat is a reminder of the beauty in the natural world and why it is so worth protecting:

Cat With Disability is Devoted to Foster Kittens
Elvis is the black cat below with wobbly cat syndrome which affects motor skills and makes walking and even going potty immensely difficult. Yet he is devoted to the kittens brought to this shelter in Kentucky, and has lovingly groomed and snuggled more than a hundred foster kittens. What a good good boy and reminder we can have purpose and dignity even when we’re a wobbly spectacle.

Canada Goose Frozen to Beach is Free
This poor goose froze on the wet sand of the beach (edge of Lake Michigan at Indiana Dunes National Park), and several Good Samaritans tried unsuccessfully to free it. Thankfully, volunteer firefighters were contacted and showed up to rescue the sweet bird in time.

What a Tea Party!
I shared this years ago when the sight of sleeping elephants in a tea garden brightened my day. I just love these magnificent creatures.

Aren’t they adorable?

Winter School
Need an idea for staying busy this winter? Love learning and growing? Me too! Did you know there are 850 Ivy League courses you can take for free?

We Can Learn to Re-Label Emotions for Better Coping
I thought this was an interesting concept suggested by Brene Brown. We can be so quick to label anxiety. What if we call it something else?

Sea Otters to Bring Calm
Between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., you can tune into a sea otter web cam and watch them live at the Monterey Bay Aquarium HERE.

Good News for New York Harbour
In a sea of sorrowful news, our behaviors can turn the sea around! 50 years ago, The Clean Water Act was passed by Congress and because of it, this harbour transformed from an open sewer into a functional ecosystem. Look at this whale surfacing!

What other sewage can transform into something so lovely?

Slow Living in Finland
Sometimes seeing slow living put into practice can be a powerful motivator to slow down. Join this creator in Finland, and experience a bit of the calm as she goes about her day…

Spring Decor Inspiration
If you’re dreaming and scheming as you look ahead to Spring, search my archives and pin fresh and uplifting design inspiration.

Explore Past Issues of Milieu & Veranda
I love saving past issues of MILIEU and VERANDA; do you? Maybe you’ll find a pocket of time to curl up with a magazine and a mug of something delicious.
Psst…sometimes I snag old issues HERE.

Tour the Loveliest Tiny Home!!!
It’s a fantasy of a perfect cabin in the woods and only 450 square feet!
I do have my doubts about all of those windows though…ya know? Not sure I would stay warm enough inside!

Ideas for Cozying Your Bedroom
I share so many mood boards in a year, and here are two favs:

We’re Good Inside
If you are not familiar with Dr. Becky, her philosophy, and her work with families, you may want to peek at this interview below. Even if you aren’t parenting children at home, there’s something fascinating about how she demystifies invisible dynamics at work and provides ideas to strengthen compassion and resilience. Her book is GOOD INSIDE, and it’s such a helpful tool for parents struggling with overwhelm!

Peace to you right where you are.
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