After considering so many gorgeous rustic French baskets and glancing back at the simplicity and beauty of the laundry room designed by the Giannettis for Patina Farm, I clearly have laundry rooms on my mind. My own lil’ laundry room is not blogworthy in the slightest (even after a mini makeover in 2019). Dreamy Laundry Room Inspiration With Timeless Tranquil Design shares ideas for us to apply to our own spaces.

Dreamy Laundry Room Inspiration With Timeless Tranquil Design

Let’s start with lovely laundry room design inspiration before I begin to share with you the details of why our pitiful pass through laundry needed to be reimagined and tweaked without demo.

BTW…do you also have a laundry room/mudroom board on Pinterest? Find killer inspo and repin pins from mine HERE!

Lovely Green Splendor in an Architecturally Magnificent Laundry Room!

Sophisticated Simplicity in a French Farmhouse Near Bordeaux
Tennessee Farmhouse Chic in a Classic Laundry Room With Dutch Door

Sarah Richardson’s Turquoise Modern Farmhouse Laundry Room Design

Hello, Lovely Laundry Paradise in Provence!

Chicago Brick Looks Stunning on You, Texas Laundry Room

Windows in Laundry Rooms & Butler Pantries

Quiet & Romantic Loveliness in a Country French Laundry Room

It Always Helps to Look at Before & After Laundry Rooms!
I love Jenna Sue’s style, and you will be inspired by how she transformed a very forgettable “before” laundry room into a lovely country vision!
I independently selected products that follow—if you buy from one of my links, you won’t pay anything extra yet this blog may earn a commission…yay!
It’s not just an aesthetic problem with the space where I do laundry.

The little room is one of those pass-through laundry areas adjacent to the garage, and I have despised it from Day One.

The thing is, when we bought the fixer upper, we planned to demo the laundry room and give the space to the kitchen.

The washer and dryer were supposed to go in the master bath which had plenty of space to accommodate them.

For a variety of reasons, it couldn’t be easily be done. (And trust me, I was more than willing to sock a chunk of change into making the change happen). As a result, the laundry situation has remained the same.
One More Inspiring Laundry Room to Study
Here’s a peek at one of my all-time favorite laundry rooms…the timelessly tranquil one at Patina Farm by Giannetti Home.

Isn’t the little old door amazing!?!

Don’t you love a beadboard drying rack?
Easier to order one of those than ask my beloved to design and somehow engineer a groined vault ceiling to the laundry’s entrance!!!

My own wee laundry space won’t accommodate a sink…but if it did, wouldn’t a wall mounted fixture like this be divine!?!

Mini Makeover For My Own Laundry Space
There is just enough space for a washer, dryer, original old cabinets above them and a 6.5′ long closet. I removed the bifold doors then added curtain panels and a tower of cubbies…

What was the room lacking, function-wise? A place to properly store clothes to be laundered, an area to fold laundry, and proper storage for cleaning supplies. What is the room lacking, design-wise?

Heavens to Betsy. It can’t boast a lick of loveliness beyond white oak hardwood flooring.

My Humble Laundry Room
Design challenges? No room for expansion, no natural light, an ugly exterior garage door opening into the room, and doors everywhere!

What do I mean by doors everywhere? There’s the garage door opening right into it, a pocket door at the other end, and bifold doors stretching between them.

Another challenge is since we don’t have a front load washer/dryer (I love my top load washer!), I cannot design a shelf to install over top as seen in so many smart designs. Hence, it is time to get brainstorming and designing, and I will be keeping you posted on my progress, even if that means confessing that it’s all a hopeless pipe dream!

Is It Time to Refresh Your Laundry Room?

I independently selected products in this post—if you buy from one of my links, I may earn a commission.
Peace to you right where you are.
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Hi Michele,
My laundry room is in desperate need of some TLC! Can’t wait to see what you do with yours. I think the front loading appliances help to streamline the whole thing so you can have a counter on top.
TGIF and have a great weekend!
YES – that style would make things more functional in here! Thanks, Holly – enjoy! xox
I’m kinda obsessed with laundry rooms for some crazy reason. Why I would love a place of drudgery makes zero sense! I guess if you must do the task at least do it in a lovely space. And, the lovely spaces you have given us here have turned me into a pinning machine, filling up my Laundry Pinterest board with so much fine inspiration. Good luck with your renovation. Looks like you will have some dramatic Before & Afters 😉 Oh and by the way, your super creative and funny little words of wisdom quotes never cease to amaze me.
I don’t blame you for loving them. I loved the one in our last home and planned it out quite thoughtfully – which is the beauty of new construction! Anything I do with our pitiful space will be an improvement so there’s that. 🙂 So glad you love the quotes – they aren’t all from my noggin – and I should probably start identifying them as “unknown” or “anonymous” when the author can’t be found. 🙂
Could you build a shelf just over the dryer ? Or maybe sell the appliances you have now and get a stackable set? That might give you space for a small sink and flat space to fold laundry?
I am thinking I would rather address the space across from them to create a folding and storage area. And I am nervous about investing in front load models since I love what I have! Granny here is reluctant to get wit it! 🙂
Sigh, I had the washer & dryer banished to the garage ever since it flooded the house and lately I ‘v been thinking of cleaning and organizing my very full, messy garage to have a decent laundry space. Actually I think the key for me is to Marie Kondo the garage once the weather starts to cool down here in Los Angeles. I am always looking forward to your inspirations!
I hated sharing those ugly pics of our pitiful laundry area, and I’m not ready to show you my dusty garage! Ha! Let me know if you tackle yours – for now, ours is still lower priority after this laundry room and the lower level which we can now address since our son moved out. (I actually wanted him to stay! Boo!). 🙂
Hi Michele, Good luck with your laundry room. I zhushed up mine a bit by adding some small French wicker baskets/trunks and French milk bottles to store laundry detergent and stain remover. Am still so charmed by Brooke’s perfect laundry space. Maybe I should add a framed French herbarium next?
Also, am passing on this Etsy shop: FrenchTouchBoutique. I just ordered a cheese safe from her. She has some cute things and postage from France is free on some items.
Bon weekend!
Merci beaucoup, you lovely soul for the intro to a new to me shop and ideas for laundry room charm. There’s so much to admire about Brooke’s space – even the location (in their dressing room) is so smart. 🙂
I love my top loader for soaking work gear as I don’t have a sink. If it where my laundry room I would remove the bulkhead over the machines and raise the cabinets to the ceiling. That would leave room for a shelf for the prettys above the machines. Linen curtains would look lovely in place of the bi-fold if you need the storage. If you don’t rip it out and put in whatever serves you best. A smaller pantry cabinet would leave room for a folding table. Can’t wait to see your progress.
Thank you, Suzanne! I have been thinking about that bulkhead – one of the things I didn’t reveal is there is a laundry shoot connecting this laundry room to my closet. Kind of a funny thing to have in 2019! And not sure if there is mechanical yada yada inside that bulkhead. oy oy oy. I love your linen curtain idea and have been mulling it over after seeing Brooke Giannetti’s brilliant way with them. Smaller pantry cabinet sounds sooooooo good. In fact, any pantry cabinet would BUTTER M’BISCUIT. You’re the best!
I have the same laundry room “pass through” configuration and have determined there are only 2 solutions—a stacked washer/dryer combo or putting the washer and dryer in the garage, just outside the door and replacing them inside with a sink and small counter, using existing water/sewage lines. You could build the laundry room into the garage as well, but much more $ and mess.
Thank you so much, Lynn. I guess the challenge is why it is taking me years to move forward with the changes! I appreciate your wise suggestions and will keep you posted. Bon weekend, friend, and thanks for reading.
How about stealing a few feet from your adjoining garage to give you room to squeeze in a utility sink (an essential in my opinion) with a drying rod over it, and laundry basket in the cabinet under? I have top-loading washer, which I also prefer, and its lid and the dryer next to it make an OK folding space. The ironing board hangs on the back of the door and drops down in place. There is also a tall 20 in wide pantry cabinet which has worked out very well. All this in a room 5 ft wide and 5-10 long.
Thank you so much for these awesome ideas. I wanted to steal space from the garage, and my husband said nope since we can’t spare the space in the garage and with our cold winters, it would be tricky since it’s an exterior wall. I am in agreement about the sink, and that also went out the window…boo. The pantry idea could happen in the future…I would have room for two of them after the changes we made over the weekend. I’ll show you soon. My room is 6×9 so very similar to yours. 🙂
To anyone reading: Whatever you do, find a spot in your laundry room for one of Ballard Design’s laundry drying racks that are wall mounted and fold out only when needed! Yes I know they’re not cheap but are the best thing I ever bought! My neighbor almost had the sale of their home fall through when the buyer realized that the drying rack wasn’t staying! Do yourself a favor and get one for them!
That’s a wonderful endorsement! Find that drying rack here:
The one room in my home I haven’t tackled! You have so much inspiration here, lovely ideas. You did a beautiful job and your laundry room looks fabulous. Thanks for all the inspiration and ideas. Hope you are having a great week…….
Thanks so much for your gorgeous positive energy, encouragement and wishes, friend! Man oh man, I would have loved to knock down walls, relocate fixtures, add a sink, blow up the room and start over, but not all of us have that option, right? Making the most of what we’ve got and learning to admire without obsessing about acquiring is the key! 🙂