Silly Humor Quotes, Smiles & Serious Laugh Therapy is for us…right where we are…wherever we find ourselves muddling through.
More good days than bad days are emerging on this journey back to good health, and laughter is returning. What a blessing, friends! I wasn’t even aware my sense of humor mostly vacationed somewhere distant until it began to bubble once again.
Naturally, it will spill over here as life-giving water for thirsty or pained souls feeling a little down or restless. Please visit my HUMOR BOARD and pin away! Or snag a silly tshirt!
Silly Humor Quotes, Smiles & Serious Laugh Therapy
Should these smiles find you at a time it is just too soon to laugh, please forgive and know I get it. I hope you know you’re not in that valley alone.
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Oh, These Timeless Grumpy Cat Memes
RIP, grumpycat.
Are You Nodding & Laughing?
More Days Lately Than I Care to Admit…
Smile With Ms. Shirleen
I have been following The Christi Show (clean comedy by comedienne Christiane Porter) since its beginning after seeing a video featuring Ms. Shirleen. Not sure if I’m the typical fan since I’m old and uncool. After instantly falling in love with church lady Shirleen in a video, I was shattered when I learned she was only a character played by a hugely talented young performer!!! I didn’t know it was a comedy show and honestly thought she was the real deal because of those passionate rants and laments which endear her to me.
Just listen to Shirleen’s frustration as she waits on others for the play rehearsal…
Since I grew up in the church, there is this common ground I share with Ms. Shirleen. Within a church community, there can be all these politics, crazy characters, and assorted dramas. However, we didn’t have a choir like the one to which Shirleen is so attached, so I can’t say I experienced all the nuances of choir culture. And yet I feel as though I still get it and find it hilarious because comedienne Christi is a genius!!!
And here is where it all began for me…Shirleen stomping, discussing ‘anchoring your edges in the Lord’ and other opinions with passion.
“A Refund is Due Unto Me”
I just love this kindred spirit who is having a meltdown after a nightmarish experience at the hair salon (who among us has not been there!?!). I won’t be surprised if Ms. Shirleen THE MOVIE is already filming! 🙂
“You can’t do the saints like this!” Hahahahaha – it JUST doesn’t get old!!!
Quirky Funny Adulting & Adult Reward Stickers
If you follow me on FB, then you may have seen a few of these on my page. I think they make craptastic silly gifts for friends. Find the stickers on AMAZON here and on Etsy HERE.
Just the Sight of Kermit Makes Me Smile
Ya know?
Silly Unnecessary Inventions
Ridiculous Doublespeak
Midlife Humor
This is Funny and True!
This is True Too!
Whimsical Door Mats to Greet Guests
These whimsical door mats look especially happy layered over colorful rag rugs.
Edgy Humor
Funny Glimpses of the Past
In 1958, a group of professionals at a magazine brainstormed these ideas.
A couple of my favorites? #30: Learn to paint – set up easel outside an engineering school. #43: Buy a convertible – men like to ride in them. #58: Get a sunburn. #68: Use the ashtray – don’t crush out cigarettes in coffee cups. #98: Turn wolves into husband material by assuming they have honor. #118: Sink at a fashionable beach at high noon.
Especially for Menopausally Fierce Souls
Menopause Humor Created For You
My personal friends have appreciated my original hashie #menopausebelikethis so maybe you will too…pin to your meme or quote boards!
Thanks for giggling along, and I hope you found plenty of smiles. 🙂 Visit THIS and THIS for a little more lighthearted random.
I independently selected products in this post—if you buy from one of my links, I may earn a commission.
Peace to you right where you are.
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