Many of us are facing an extended period of quarantine, and that means we need to minimize trips to the market. What a blessing that during a crisis as this, we can order a number of items online and have them delivered quickly. 23 Smart Quarantine Pantry Supplies for Social Isolation I Ordered may help you avoid trips outside of your home.
I independently selected products in this post—if you buy from one of my links, I may earn a commission.
This is a vulnerable time for us, and I’m mindful that many of us are ill-equipped in ways beyond the state of our pantries. PLEASE PIN THIS POST SO OTHERS MAY FIND IT!
If you should feel alone, hit reply to the email (if you subscribe), and I’m happy to listen. And if you need reliable info about the virus, GO HERE.
Listen to this lovely teaching if you have a moment:
23 Smart Quarantine Pantry Supplies for Social Isolation I Ordered
Amazon Prime: a Blessing in Uncertain Times
If you don’t yet have an Amazon Prime Membership, it may be a good idea to have it during this unprecedented season. Why? If you are self isolating or quarantining, free shipping and fast delivery may decrease exposure if you make less trips away from home.
If you become ill or isolated, delivery of food, pantry, and health related items may feel like a dear friend (only the friend won’t be exposed to the virus).
“Ideally, you’re looking for shelf-stable foods that pack a nutritional punch,” a nutrition expert told Business Insider.
Non-perishables I Ordered for Home
“That means opting for mostly plant-based foods that contain fiber along with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other health- and immune-supporting compounds.”
I eat lots of fresh fruit for breakfast daily so I am a little concerned about how an extended period at home may change that.
Does your grocery store deliver fresh produce to you? Have you used drive-up? I will be looking into this tomorrow.
I have a feeling lots of folks in quarantine will be consuming peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
Ideas for Your Pantry During Quarantine
Apparently raspberry jam is not everyone’s favorite, but it is what our family loves most!
Nuts are a great thing to stock in your pantry, and they are a something I eat moderately in my diet.
In my neck of the woods, the grocery store shelves with pasta have been bare for some time as folks stocked up on non-perishables.
It is getting increasingly difficult to find pasta in stock online as well.
Whenever I visit Hawaii, I eat a delicious açaí bowl every single day. My favorite romp in Oahu makes them with this exact sorbet which I was delighted to learn I could order!!!
The health benefits of açaí are well established, and frozen fruit will last 7-9 months in the freezer if you are worried about the quantity of you must order when you click through. Mine arrived on dry ice, perfectly packaged and frozen, and has been making my morning açaí bowls scrumptious. I top a few scoops of sorbet with slices of banana and strawberry, blueberries, homemade granola, and a drizzle of honey.
What to Stock at Home if You Are Staying Isolated
I’ll share my homemade granola recipe with you soon because it is soooooo easy and healthier than anything I have purchased.
If you’re going to add rice to your pantry, why not make it brown rice for a low glycemic index food that is whole grain?
It seemed like a good idea to have cough drops on hand in case we need them.
Almonds are an excellent choice for your pantry since they boast healthy fats, fiber, protein, magnesium and vitamin E. I always have them on hand for my healthy bread I make weekly.
Sunflower seeds go into my flour-less bread as well, and did you know they may help lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar!?!
If you have never tried flax seed, go ahead and give it a whirl. Not only are they packed with nutrients, they are packed with protein so they suppress appetite and may prevent you from overeating. Chia is wonderful too and is a lovely source of omega-3 fatty acids.
Ideas for Supplies for Extended Quarantine
Honeychild, I love me some honey. I did a tasting on my last trip to Hawaii, and I couldn’t believe the differences. Some of those I tasted were actually sour…which did not fare well with my sweet tooth. This yummy one comes with a friendly price.
Since I love baking, quarantine or no quarantine, coconut oil is a must since I can easily digest it. I asked a gastroenterologist I trust what I could add to my diet to improve the health of my pancreas, and he said while it’s still unclear, he would suggest one tablespoon of coconut oil daily. This is one of the ingredients in my healthy bread.
Handwashing is so important for us all to be disciplined about. I have been saying the Lord’s Prayer slowly when I wash my hands to make sure I get those 20 seconds in as well as make it a spiritual practice.
Make sure you have pain reliever stocked in your pantry just in case you need it.
Food & Items to Stock During Pandemic
A first aid kit will give you peace of mind as well, and you’ll still want to stock this when these days of pandemic are over.
I am not one to keep quantities of anything like laundry detergent on hand. Yet this quarantine experience has forced me to think about what I might need weeks from now so I ordered this along with garbage bags.
Non-Pantry Items I Ordered
I finally ordered these silicone loaf pans since I bake so much bread. Learning to bake your own bread is so gratifying, and just think of the aroma of it baking at home if you’re quarantined.
I shared a quote from Pádraig Ó Tuama in a recent post, and his book may bring a layer of daily sacredness to this season of uncertainty.
I’m so fond of the muslin facial cloths I ordered a few weeks back that I ordered this larger size as well. They are more gentle on skin than typical terry cloths (they are designed for baby’s delicate skin), and I love their fluffiness after you wash them. I guess I’m thinking about simple little things that bring comfort these days, and these do that for me.
Encouraging Quotes & Tips for Pantry Supplies
Do you love apothecary items like I do? I bought these because I have been making my own facial serums and essential oil blends. But you may need them for any number of things.
Grapeseed oil is a wonderful carrier oil I use on my skin (for rosacea, and I mix equal parts of it with this exact rose hip oil).
This Lotus Touch stress management essential oil blend is something I have used for many years because it delivers such lovely comfort. You could use it on a cotton ball at night to soothe you. I mix drops of it with grapeseed oil or moisturizing cream for massage. You could also add it to a diffuser. The orange essence in it is heavenly.
Here is another oil I use on my skin. There’s a popular beauty product at Sephora that costs over fifty dollars for a small quantity of this very oil–so this low price for 4 oz. is amazing.
What You May Want to Order Online Now
On my low-fat restricted diet, I rarely ever eat chocolate. But from time to time, I allow myself just a couple of these yummy candies. Do you have a favorite naughty snack that sits in your pantry and whispers ‘i love you?’
Thanks so much for reading and for all of your kind comments. Coming here and using these links which support the blog (like this one for an Amazon Prime Membership) are a great way to support a small business like Hello Lovely, and I’m so grateful.
I independently selected products in this post—if you buy from one of my links, I may earn a commission.
Peace to you right where you are.
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You are a place of refuge and strength,loveliness,inspiration and spirituality and love and comfort. You are a true Blessing every single day Michele……….Peace and Love and Health…….dee……………….Thank you
Dee – your words are honey for me this morning. Thank you for coming here and adding to the beauty. May peace and comfort reach you this day.
Ibuprofen, Paracetamol and Cortisol should not be taken during this Virus-time. This recommendation I have read in a German paper.
Thank you – I got this informed decision early this morning and added acetaminophen. Peace to you right where you are.
Enjoyed your post. I also stocked our pantry with extra dog treats and bones.
Thanks so much for reading, Linda. Can’t forget those furry babies! 🙂