This may become a regular series! Pretty Interiors: Kindness, Beauty & Blessing incorporates a mix of lovely interior design, decor, and quotes to inspire pretty “interiors” (both literal and figurative). Collecting the quotes and creating these graphics for you to PIN brings me joy because language has such healing potential to point us to higher ground. Pinning sends these ripples of hope and peace across web. When I pause to let that register and imagine the ocean of kindness ripples…well, it takes my breath away.

This post contains affiliate links which I hope you will use since they won’t cost you a penny extra yet may earn this blog a small commission.
Pretty Interiors: Kindness, Beauty & Blessing
Have you peeked inside this book yet with simple, yet profound ideas to transform our interiors? Read more about it in this recent post: 8 Surprising Decluttering Lessons From an Expert!

This one’s still on my list!
Inspiring Kindness Quotes: Barbara De Angelis
It’s such a water wheel sort of flow, yes?

Pretty Interiors: Kindness, Beauty & Blessing…in case you’re in the mood for lovely rooms and sentiments.
The quiet of this vignette calms my soul, reminds me of why I find ethereal decor enchanting.

Inspiring Kindness Quotes: Dalai Lama
If it’s true the pews are emptying–and perhaps it is a temporary exodus–I wonder if something new and lovely is being born…

Pretty and quiet collected treasures that become these tools to romance the everyday!

Inspiring Kindness Quotes: Theodore Rubin
I believe this, and it’s why it feels wise to become an “I don’t know it all.”

Pretty Interiors: Kindness, Beauty & Blessing…in case you’re in the mood for lovely rooms and sentiments.
The rosy hints peeking through the glass and just around the corner on a wall soften the classic and luxurious design elements without contrivance.

Pretty Interiors: Kindness, Beauty & Blessing to Inspire
What does living more simply look like to you? It’s a question worth returning to regularly.

Lots of emails lately asking about the stain on our alder doors. No stain. Just a little poly to seal them.

Pretty Interiors: Kindness, Beauty & Blessing: to Encourage
My husband and I listened to an incredible sermon last night about practical ways to become light in the world. It makes a difference.

Pretty Interiors: Kindness, Beauty & Blessing…in case you’re in the mood for lovely rooms and sentiments.
“Pretty” may be subjective, but I’m pretty sure there is at least one something in this thoughtfully designed kitchen that floats your boat.

Pretty Interiors: Kindness, Beauty & Blessing: to Remind
If I’m honest, I’m most often naturally calibrated to think about balance and ‘even Steven.’ It takes intention and daily transformation to open ourselves to more abundant flows of grace and kindness.

My blog friend Desiree’s breakfast dining area feels like such a pretty heart of this home where homework, meetings, whispered conversations, and of course, delicious feasting can happen.

Pretty Interiors: Kindness, Beauty & Blessing: to Plant Seeds
This is the sort of heart and soul instruction I crave!

Kitchen counters cluttered with treasures can be lovely. Pretty touches in quiet colors keep the mood calm.

Lovely Kitchen Decor to Enrich the Everyday!

Pretty Interiors: Kindness, Beauty & Blessing: Small vs. Great
The little things are not little at all.

Can rustic old weathered wood be pretty? Sure it can.

Pretty Interiors: Kindness, Beauty & Blessing…in case you’re in the mood for lovely rooms and sentiments.
Lovely Dining Room Decor to Enrich the Everyday!
Pretty Interiors: Kindness, Beauty & Blessing: Tenderness

Oh the pretty light that streams through, filtered by bushes and trees home to the only pets I enjoy right now!

Lovely Dining Decor to Enrich the Everyday!
Pretty fabrics and textures bring comfort to bedrooms like this one which can feel like a retreat from work and stress.

Pretty Interiors: Kindness, Beauty & Blessing…in case you’re in the mood for lovely rooms and sentiments.
Lovely Bedroom Decor to Enrich the Everyday!

Lovely French Country Decor to Romance the Everyday!

Pretty Interiors: Kindness, Beauty & Blessing…in case you’re in the mood for lovely rooms and sentiments.

See more of this French Nordic cottage RIGHT HERE
Pretty Interiors: Kindness, Beauty & Blessing…in case you’re in the mood for lovely rooms and sentiments.
Little Essentials to Romance the Everyday!

Lovely Home Decor to Add Smiles to the Everyday!

See more of this French Nordic cottage RIGHT HERE.

Pretty Interiors: Kindness, Beauty & Blessing…in case you’re in the mood for lovely rooms and sentiments.
Lovely Bathroom Decor to Romance the Everyday!

Pretty Interiors: Kindness, Beauty & Blessing…in case you’re in the mood for lovely rooms and sentiments.
Lovely Kitchen Decor to Romance the Everyday!

Daily Transformation Inspiration: Peace Prayer of St. Francis
I wrote a very vulnerable piece encouraging you to be kinder to yourself by exploring what that looks like. It’s RIGHT HERE. Greater kindness will naturally draw more peace into your heart, even though your present circumstances may remain or worsen.
So why bother?
What changes is YOU. And your capacity. Your wisdom. Your maturity. Your desire. Your heart. Your treasure. Your passion. Your contentment. Your freedom.
I’m just like you. We’re growing. We spend time in the valley. We spend time on the mountain. We fall asleep. We forget.
Let’s keep each other awake and let kindness have its way with us.
Oh, Francis, thank you for giving us these words. Your prayer can be our prayer, and maybe just maybe our hearts and minds can be made new this day.
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.
O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

I independently selected products in this post—if you buy from one of my links, I may earn a commission.
Peace to you right where you are.
Shop for items you already intended to buy on Amazon RIGHT HERE, and also find home decor here to keep decor inspiration flowing on Hello Lovely!
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Wonderful site. Enjoy it.❤
My very favorite prayer !
It’s so pure and annointed! 🙂
Kindness abounds!
Those are lovely words! 🙂
Wonderful post! One can say after reading it and admiring the photos…. Now, wasn’t that lovely! 🙂
Thanks so much for your loyal readership – having you here is lovely!
Wow! Lovely photos and lovely words to contemplate and share! Thank you for the soft touches that brought not to my heart! 💗
Thank YOU for adding beauty and kindness here. 🙂