A few months ago, while frolicking with sea turtles on vacation, I could not have imagined that out of nowhere, our house would sell, we’d rent a home on a cornfield, and then decide to revive a neglected cottage in a peaceful setting.
We took possession of the new place days ago.
It’s week one of intense DIY, and I’ll try to share glimpses along the journey…yaaaaa, that would be moi above with a wee lil weed I plucked. These treelike specimens are everywhere, and this towering one did doing nothing for the view from the kitchen window.

The property is full of potential though. Someday this will be a romantic courtyard entrance.

Side of house.

We gutted the main bath and are installing a new subfloor…and when I say “we” I think we know it’s my husband and sons, though this sugar plum fairy smashed some of this ceramic tile to kingdom come.
The toilet, sink, and bath had all been leaking for some time so the floor went to mush. It’s comforting to know that very soon, the toilet will not plummet to its death into the basement.
Double OY.
The landscape…mercy. I love how it feels camp-like though. I found this huge bone while clearing some brush. Suggestive of something larger than a cow.

My husband made repairs to the roof, took down multiple giant antennae, changed locks, removed miles of cables coming out of everywhere (omg, with each new resident, they would just drill holes into the siding and run new cable), trimmed a few imposing tree branches, did a million other fixes, and replaced this ghetto patio screen:
it has a certain Tyler-Durden-dilapidated-je ne sais quoi, oui? Um. I predict it failed to restrain insects and critters FOR AT LEAST A DECADE.
The kitchen in its current state. It smells as good as it looks. I’m designing a plan on a budget.
It’ll be lovely.
More info about finding the house is here.
Please come join me in this DIY adventure by clicking here for all my fixer upper update posts!
Keep in touch, pray for a sista, and
Peace to you right where you are.

I love your style (design and written word) and am eager to follow along on your adventure. I know it will turn out lovely!
merci, jeanie! thank you for reading and the encouragement.
You will add your wonderful touches and make it a beautiful respite for your family. It will be so folowing along with you on your journey. We both are going to live in new homes. From one Calif. girl on the west coast to my dear sweet lady on the east coast, Good luck and remember to enjoy the process!!
i am thinking me and you and some bubbly and maybe a bloggy paris girl trip at the end of this project, kathysue. thanks for the sunshine, sister.
Looks like this house has all kinds of charm potential!
… and I think you have unearthed a dinosaur bone! What the heck!
I need to catch up on you!… can't wait to follow this adventure!
hahaha. wouldn't that be something? thank you for reading and your beautiful fun spirit, cindy.
Oh my goodness, Michele! This house certainly has a ton of potential! I can just imagine your creative mind working overtime with all the pretties you're going to add. 🙂 I can't believe that someone just let it go like this, though. Sad. But I'm glad that you are breathing new life into it. It's going to be beautiful – and I can hardly wait to watch the transformation!
xoxo laurie
oh i'm glad you see the potential too, laurie. the interiors do not appeal to any of my senses, and even if i could get it SMELLING pretty, i would feel better. but these things take time. thanks for following, beautiful.
Oh gosh .. I am so glad I saw this. We are heading out of town and I won't have much internet access. Michele, I totally can relate to all that you are sharing here. I remember just spinning and being unable to make a decision and then watching the entire house literally come down around me. One morning I recall sitting on a couch in the only area of the house that did not have construction folks there : and suddenly a toilet came flying out the window above me. I will never forget that sight! The kitchen you are looking at NOW will become something really beautiful and YOU must believe that. Hang in sista and you know where I'm at :}
thank you, friend! flying toilets add that layer of drama we all want in our lives. NOT. i'm so glad you are enjoying the other side of reno and can cheer us on. and i like how you call it spinning because that sounds like it burns a lot of calories. xox
Oh boy….this is gonna be fun!
*agitates the magic 8-ball* WITHOUT A DOUBT.
It will be wonderful seeing your plans & dreams come true. I've been there, I know it's a labor of love. xx's
thanks, marsha. i hope the labor is heavy on love. peace to you.
Your new home really does look like a nice one to renovate. I love the overgrown yard, not the bone though. Yikes. Our home was new so we had no yard, just clay dirt. It takes so long to wait and wait for trees to grow. At least you have a lot of greenery to work with. The hiddenness it provides gives that cottage feeling and I would guess peace and quiet. I really like your kitchen. I can see that you will do wonders with it. Blessings
you're absolutely right. my favorite thing is actually the lot which is overgrown with mature trees, making the air sweet and healthy. i hope the kitchen feels less claustrophobic very soon. 🙂
That courtyard entry is going to be lovely one day. All the best in your new home journey!
i will need lots of guidance for that part of the project since i am largely an indoorswoman clueless about landscape yada yada. thanks for tuning in!
Michele I have no doubt your new home will be as lovely as you are in no time at all! Good thing you have a lot of labor around! Happy 4th of July weekend!!
The Arts by Karena
Gallery Opening!
happy 4th, karena. send all your creativity and artfully soulful vibes this way, lovely.
Oh how much fun you are having 🙂
Been there and have done this…the end result will have your stamp on it, and Michele I have all the faith in the world you will add all the charm to it that it needs. This is one home I can't wait to see the outcome, and the decor will be the icing on the cake.
Remember when I said in the first coming out party of this home how I loved the overgrowth, well when all is said and done you will love this home, and it will love you right back.
See you soon beautiful.
PS… Call in the archeologist, you may have a rare bone to a new speices 🙂
i hope you are right on all counts, dore! peace.
You have a gift, Michele. You (and your boys & extended family) can take something desperate and hopeless and turn it into a thing of exquisite beauty. Such fun to follow your journey.