As the season begins to change, it only seems right to follow all of its cues. A hike along the creek today revealed all sorts of evidence summer is leaving us. And a lack of rain means things look even more dry and fall-like. These late summer cleaning, organization, and home improvement tasks may or not be relevant to you right where you are. But, JOY of JOYS, not one of them mentions cleaning WINDOWS…Hallelujah! Change of Season Sprucing Up Around the House is comin’ at ya.

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Change of Season Sprucing Up Around the House
Are you the “include plenty of jewel tones and orange around the house” type as FALL approaches? The alternative is to embrace hushed hues like those I see on the prairie…here are some gentle fall glimpses from around the house:
Did you catch my DIY Herbarium bath refresh post?

What I love best about autumn’s emergence here? The light!

Whether it’s dappled (above) or golden hour:

Decluttering & Organization
I shared details HERE about decluttering after reading this great book which approaches organization from a realistic perspective that addresses emotional aspects .

One of the easiest places to begin to clear clutter as we edge closer to autumn is with rotating seasonal clothing and storing warm weather items such as outdoor pillows and patio furniture.

If storage is an issue, these under-bed containers are handy and keep contents dust-free.

The containers can store items beyond clothing and are especially handy if you have downsized.

As far as organizing small items in closets and on shelves, I discovered these good looking storage bins that resemble matte ceramic to upgrade my dollar store old ones:
They were just the right size for our upgraded closets (read about them HERE and HERE).

The ribbed design sets them apart.

And the lids lie flat so you can stack these babies!

Refresh That Bed Pillow
Fresh new pillows for autumn! There’s just nothing like the fresh goodness of a luxurious pillow. My personal favorite is HERE.

Spruce Up the Range

I never said this list would be glamorous…ha! I’m good about cleaning the cooktop daily, but with all my pizza making, the oven can get crunchy.
Late summer may be perfect for a self-cleaning oven since you can open a window. Cleaning it by hand? Wear gloves and a mask. Play soothing music and think about a sweet little reward you’ll treat yourself to when that oven sparkles.

Freshen the Frig

It’s my least favorite thing to do so I can talk myself out of it skillfully. Yet every single time I break down and finally clean the refrigerator, I am amazed it doesn’t demand an entire day.
This makes the task far easier:
Sometimes it is motivating to watch a demo for cleaning that big boy.

Assess the Linens Situation

Fresh new towels can be one of those ‘everyday lovely’ essentials to elevate and create calm.

I have my eye on these high quality towels for our bath, and I love that you can try them out for 30 days:
If your bathrobe needs a spruce up…

My Favorite Tool for the Porch
Pick a mild and less windy day to sweep, or clear debris with my favorite tool for the porch: a ZoomBroom.
I have used it every day this summer so our front porch has stayed nice and tidy. The light weight of it makes the quick chore easy for me, and nothing to plug in! I store it in the closet near the front door, and it’s a pain-free part of my daily sprucing.
Pretty & Durable Planters
We have two of these these planters from Home Depot on the front porch flanking the front door, and anything paced inside looks fabulous. They can be left out year-round, which truly helps if your storage is limited.

Shower Sprucing
Even though it’s a small thing, it can deliver a big payoff. Changing out a new shower curtain liner each year only takes about 5 minutes!
I prefer the fabric liners since they can easily be tossed in the wash. However, if you prefer a traditional heavyweight liner:
Change Those Filters
Wherever you have filters, make sure you have fresh ones. The furnace is an obvious place to start, but also check any ice maker, vacuum, and vent hood filters (mine get greasy quickly!)

Trim Touch Ups
This is a task I tend to dread because it always feels as though it will take weeks whereas a whole lot can be done in a single day.
Here is my favorite paint brush for any number of jobs:

Garden Spruce Ups
One of the things I appreciate about this home is that the lot is fully landscaped. I’m no master gardener, but I can clearly see which weeds need to go and which foliage to clear away.
And just a reminder that gardening burns like 800 calories an hour. Something to think about if apple pies and cider donuts are in your autumnal future…apple recipes HERE.

Have a list like this you tackle before Fall?

If you’re ready to think happy thoughts of fall, make sure you see THIS with DIY, crafts, and related inspiration. And for a head start on holiday inspo, visit this post.
Pssst. Even though I assured you there would be no windows mentioned in the spruce-ups, if you do decide to clean them…
I independently selected products in this post—if you buy from one of my links, I may earn a commission.
Peace to you right where you are.
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