A short break from pretty interiors just feels right today, which according to the church calendar is Candlemas or Candlemass. It falls halfway between the winter solstice and spring equinox, a time when many folks historically bring their candles to church to be blessed before using them throughout the year. La Chandeleur, Candlemas, Crêpes & a Prayer is an exercise in a strange and holy hope, a humble gesture to turn our attention to the beauty of the Light which is holding all things.

La Chandeleur, Candlemas, Crêpes & a Prayer
In France, the holy day (known as La Chandeleur is also the day of crêpes (which is my sort of day!!!).

You see, in the movie of my own life, crêpes have played a delicious starring role.

Our entire lives, we knew them as Swedish pancakes made by our Swedish Gram, an immigrant who was first our babysitter and became our adopted grandmother. She made them for us often, during the week as well as on weekends.

For us kids, these golden rounds became an enduring symbol of deep love and timeless unity, transcending language (Gram spoke only Swedish), religious affiliation, age, and geography.

As soon as my husband (a Norwegian) and I married, I began making these crêpes, these Swedish pancakes for him.

What a delight to share them with our own children, nieces, nephews and aging parents.

They are every bit as sweet all of these decades later, and we all feel very loved and nurtured when they are served.

So today on Candlemas, at a time between winter and spring, my thoughts turn to candles, crêpes, and the sacred in the everyday.

I’m thinking of you, right where you are, perhaps hearing chatter about whether a certain groundhog will see his shadow, perhaps troubled by current events, and maybe needing a flickering flame shimmering from a simple sanctuary.

Perhaps this can be space to simply rest your bones, let go your thoughts, and open your heart to a prayer from an imperfect servant who offers it in a spirit of unknowing.

You could light a candle or simply turn your awareness to divine light in your heart (which is always burning and simply waiting for your awareness).

Holy Maker, we open our winter hearts to you as you prepare them for the greening of springtime.

For surely you have created us to grow, learn and blossom in relationship with each other and with you.

Thank you for the warmth from lit candles in places near and far, seen and unseen,

for your silent Presence gleaming from all, guiding our paths and plans.

We pray just now for mercy, for wisdom, and for discernment, Divine Mystery, to become a transformed people desiring peace and fresh eyes to see as you see.

Your grace and trustworthy energy follow us into every dim corner, every dark consequence, animating our very beings to respond with love and humility.

Oh, Helper, help us to see your invitations to align with your higher ways and keep the flow flowing as perfect light keeps glowing.

Glow in the shadowy wilderness of our weary lives, Blessed Light and Holy Candle.

Warm the ground of our hearts and bless the seeds below.

May every fruit and blossom impart the sweet fragrance of You.

Nurture us this day of Candlemas, this in between season in which we bring the candles of our lives to you for blessing.

Bless us, Gentle Father of Light, as we, your reflections seek: deeper understanding, wholehearted healing, and supernatural unity.

Steady our anxious feet when they’re slipping, and recycle every care into holy confidence.

Fix our gaze on you, burn in our hearts with refining fire, and purify our unholy parts.

We pray this as poor servants with empty hands stretched open to receive the blessings of your sacred warmth and flowering of eternal compassion.


Below are a few collected quotes of faith and poetry. Maybe they will inspire a new perspective or strangely resonate.
I don’t ever intend to be preachy or write for an exclusive audience of spiritual seekers or contemplatives; I only desire to be a small mirror, reflecting back a little of the Light that found me.

Peace to you right where you are.
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Wonderful quotes. Most liked those from Pema Codron and William Faulkner.
Thanks so much for adding beauty here – have a wonderful week, friend.
Amen, Michele. Love the idea of the Sunday prayer!
Thanks for the support, Kathy! Have a wonderful week. 🙂
Beautiful prayer to a God and beautiful pics of His creation!! ❤️
Thanks so much, Amy. These winter trees are always so inspiring, and I feel most connected to God through nature. 🙂
Beautiful Michele!
I loved every word!
Peace and blessings as you use this platform to remind us what life is all about and the beauty that comes from knowing we are deeply loved by a Divine, Loving God. This is where true beauty starts. It is found first in our hearts and with His help, overflows to heal and transform the world in acts of kindness and love.
And now I am savoring the honey of your words of love. There are these lovely moments where knowing our belovedness resonates in a remarkable way and other moments we feel locked out of it – so reminding each other to be still and know the truth becomes so very precious. Peace to you, Ann, and thank you so much for reading.
Oops …*to God….not to a God!
Thank you for your graciousness; I used today’s gentle words of kindness as prayer.
You’re so welcome – thanks so much for the kind words and for taking the time to get still.
Michelle, I am writing to say I really enjoy your blog. However, there is an ad that is popping up about halfway through the reading and the ad covers 1/3 of the left side of your content. When I close the ad, it asks “why this ad?” and I’m at a loss as to how to get it out of the way. As a matter of fact, as I’m writing this, the left 1/3 of my message is covered and I am “writing blind”. Please tell me what to do with this ad.
I will report this to the ad agency – I know what you’re talking about because it appeared for me as well. Thanks for bearing with this ridiculousness!
i do so love your posts! i saw the book on leiperts fork. Have you ever been there? i am assuming it references Tennessee. It was a magical place. It has now been discovered by California elites and may not have the same innocence. Thank you for your posts!
Yes – the photos are from a cottage (Storybook Cottage which was initially owned/designed by City Farmhouse) we rented while vacationing in Leiper’s Fork, and we loved the town – so beautiful and charming. We love the whole vibe in Franklin, Tennessee and can’t wait to return.
Nice to see photos again of Storybook Cottage. We absolutely love Leiper’s Fork and Franklin. Trying to talk my husband into moving there. Have wanted to rent the cottage many times while we are shopping in Franklin but they don’t allow our cat.
Seems like a great place to live. I’m surprised about not allowing Ascot – seems like the ideal type of house for a kitty since it’s so unfussy and not one of those hands-off design plans with silk drapes. 🙂
Dear Michele, your prayer is so beautiful. I am contacting you to ask if I may pray it during a service at my church, with, of course, credit to you. Thank you for considering this and please know that I understand if you are not comfortable with this request. Continued blessings and prayers as you navigate healing from such a difficult year.
Lin George
Thank you so much for your kind words – you are always welcome to share any prayers and reflections – I am honored and blessed and send peace to you and your congregation. 🙂