There’s a lot happening around the globe, in the news, and on screens as we scroll. No answers here for what constitutes a healthy amount of consumption. Just more questions. How is all the screen time affecting the public’s mental and physical health? And how is it rewiring human brains? Is it getting more difficult to believe all sorts of good things are happening in a sea of sorrowful news? Maybe in a small way, these silly tweets, smiles and uplifting glimpses will bring a bit of balance and relief.

Smiles, Giggles & Uplifting Glimpses

Polar Bear Love
Watching this family in their natural habitat is a reminder of the beauty in the natural world and why it is so worth protecting:

Cat With Disability is Devoted to Foster Kittens
Elvis is the black cat below with wobbly cat syndrome which affects motor skills and makes walking and even going potty immensely difficult. Yet he is devoted to the kittens brought to this shelter in Kentucky, and has lovingly groomed and snuggled more than a hundred foster kittens. What a good good boy and reminder we can have purpose and dignity even when we’re a wobbly spectacle.

Canada Goose Frozen to Beach is Free
This poor goose froze on the wet sand of the beach (edge of Lake Michigan at Indiana Dunes National Park), and several Good Samaritans tried unsuccessfully to free it. Thankfully, volunteer firefighters were contacted and showed up to rescue the sweet bird in time.

What a Tea Party!
I shared this a couple of years ago when the sight of these sleeping elephants in a tea garden brightened my day. I just love these magnificent creatures.

Aren’t they adorable?

Winter School
Need an idea for staying busy this winter? Love learning and growing? Me too! Did you know there are 850 Ivy League courses you can take for free?

We Can Learn to Re-Label Our Emotions for Better Coping
I thought this was an interesting concept suggested by Brene Brown. We can be so quick to label anxiety. What if we call it something else?

Let These Sea Otters Bring Calm
Between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., you can tune into a sea otter web cam and watch them live at the Monterey Bay Aquarium HERE.

Good News for New York Harbour
In a sea of sorrowful news, our behaviors can turn that sea around! 50 years ago, The Clean Water Act was passed by Congress and because of it, this harbour transformed from an open sewer into a functional ecosystem. Look at this whale surfacing!

What other sewage can transform into something so lovely?

Teen Pregnancy is Way Down
The New York Times reported the birth rate for teens in America has plummeted. Today, just 6% of young women become mothers before age 20 as compared to 25% in 1991. That’s a decline of 77% in 30 years! The teen birth rate has fallen by more than half in every state and at equal rates among Black, white and Hispanic teens.

A Taste of Slow Living in Finland
Sometimes seeing slow living put into practice can be a powerful motivator to slow down. Join this content creator in Finland, and experience a little of the calm as she goes about her day…

A 13-Year Old British Girl is Cured of an Incurable Form of Leukemia
A technique known as base editing was used on a person for the first time at the Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children. She has no signs of detectable cancer cells after the treatment. Wow!

Spring Decor from Le Cultivateur
If you’re dreaming about hunting for treasures when Spring arrives, here’s a little peek at how Le Cultivateur’s Emily styles her finds:

Explore Past Issues of Milieu & Veranda
I love saving all of my issues of MILIEU and VERANDA, do you? Maybe you’ll find a pocket of time to curl up with a magazine and a mug of something delicious.
Psst…sometimes I snag old issues HERE.

Tour the Loveliest Tiny Home!!!
It’s a fantasy of a perfect cabin in the woods and only 450 square feet!
I do have my doubts about all of those windows though…ya know? Not sure I would stay warm enough inside!

Ideas for Cozying Your Bedroom
I share so many mood boards in a year, and this was one of my favs:

Who knew that it was this simple?

We’re Good Inside
If you are not familiar with Dr. Becky, her philosophy, and her work with families, you may want to peek at this interview below. Even if you aren’t parenting children at home, there’s something fascinating about how she demystifies invisible dynamics at work and provides ideas to strengthen compassion and resilience. Her book is GOOD INSIDE, and it’s such a helpful tool for parents struggling with overwhelm!
Peace to you right where you are.
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I needed this blog at this sorrowful time. Thank you kind soul!
I’m so glad. Thank you for visiting and taking time to share these kind words. 🙂
Thank you for sharing.
You bet – hope you have a relaxing weekend with more uplifting glimpses. 🙂