Since this is a decor inspiration blog, I thought you might be curious (as I am) about which decorating and home improvement television shows are snagging the most attention from viewers. We’ll look at the top six in this post answering What Home Improvement Shows are Most Popular in the USA?

What Home Improvement Shows are Most Popular in the USA?
Joybird recently shared awesome infographics (like the one below) which reveal a ton of info on the topic. Find your state and see if you are surprised at what decorating or home improvement show is most popular!

Joybird used Google Trends to determine the most popular home improvement shows in America by analyzing state-to-state search data for the last 12 months. (So keep in mind these results don’t reflect which shows racked up the most views; rather, these shows were searched on Google the most.)
#1 Home Improvement Show: FLIP OR FLOP

I was not surprised to learn FLIP OR FLOP took the top spot. Maybe the dramatic transformations on the show resonate with Americans because of how satisfying it is to see beauty rise from ashes. (You know by now I am bound to relate any discussion at all to some correlate in the spiritual realm!)

FLIP OR FLOP seems largely formulaic (auctioned eyesores become luxurious properties), and perhaps knowing what to expect is satisfying to viewers who experience enough unpredictability in their personal and professional lives.

The condition of the fixer Tarek and Christina choose to tackle on any given episode is typically filled with garbage, extremely neglected, and ugly inside and out. The episode below is known as the “Flea Bag Flip.”
A drama within the drama of this show plays out as tension between the stars of the show. And I don’t just mean that the couple are divorced. One party consistently desires to spend conservatively on the flip, and the other is a risk taker seeking to entice buyers with trendy glam.

Is this your favorite show, or do you favor another decorating show on the list?

Flip or Flop is searched online significantly more than FIXER UPPER which took the number two spot in Joybird’s analysis.

Care to step inside Chip and Joanna’s farmhouse in Waco? (I had fun seeing the exterior in person when we drove by it on a visit to the Silos.) The Fixer Upper stars don’t ever give tours, so you may wish check it out:
For every argument and ‘blingy’ moment on Flip or Flop, Chip and Joanna seem to share more silly or sentimental ones.

There’s a relational harmony viewers seem to love almost as much as all the shiplap on FIXER UPPER. The only conflict in the show’s formula seems to be that awkward phone call to the homeowner when a non-budgeted expense surfaces.

#3 Home Improvement Show: HOME TOWN

I had no idea the quintessentially Southern, HOME TOWN was so wildly popular, and I’m thrilled for the Napiers!!!

In the episode below, a gentleman moving to Laurel, Mississippi commissioned the team to renovate a ranch home and handed them a blank check for the job! (It’s more typical to see budgets of $100-200K on Home Town).
HT is a newer show (new to me) I’ve fallen for, and there is always something new to learn about old homes, DIY projects, or a fresh look with vintage style. Ben and Erin create something highly memorable and personal for every project they take on, so there’s this strong sense of authenticity.

For example, while the Gaines’ commission a special piece of furniture and shop for vintage accessories, the Napiers still seem to have time to create art and furniture themselves.
If you have yet to see the show, I highly recommend it!
The PBS series THIS OLD HOUSE is still going strong after 40 seasons! Can you believe the first episode aired in 1979? The Charleston houses they tackled reminded me of our visit to that magical place a few months back.

The first ten years were presented by Bob Vila before Steve Thomas took the reigns until 2003, when Kevin O’Connor stepped in.

This Old House covers a whole-house renovation over several episodes, and there is always plenty of instruction on this show. What a testament that the brand is still thriving, and viewers are searching online for more info about the show.

#5 Home Improvement Show: SWEAT EQUITY
The DIY Network’s SWEAT EQUITY is in the #5 position and almost as popular as This Old House. In fact, the show draws about the same number as searches as Sarah’s House, House Hunters, and Flipping Out.

SWEAT EQUITY features licensed contractor Amy Matthews and her team of DIY Network experts.
The show’s mission is to help homeowners tackle weekend projects themselves, providing tips to build equity along the way. Increasing the value, appearance, and enjoyment of our homes is an attractive prospect and explains this TV show’s wide appeal.


Sarah Richardson is a reader favorite on Hello Lovely, and no surprise…her HGTV show SARAH’S HOUSE is hugely popular at number six.
If you have been watching the designing Sarah Richardson in action since the 90’s like moi, then you have likely grown to respect and admire her simple, timeless, classic style.

The Full List of the Most Popular Home Improvement Shows in the USA
Is your favorite home show on the list? Do you routinely search for resources or images from a particular home improvement show?

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Peace to you right where you are.
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Interesting post! It says Flipping Out is the preferred show for Connecticut and I haven’t heard of it LOL!
We prefer all the Property Brother series and Fixer Upper at my house 🙂
That IS interesting. I have watched lots of Flipping Out episodes – many will make you a nervous wreck since there is so much reality (like firing an employee or tradesperso nas we watch!). The Property Brothers are so popular that I’m shocked they aren’t higher on the list for searches! I saw them in person a few years back at the mall of America, and they are so personable as you can easily tell on their show. Thanks for playing along!
Since the survey was based on most Google searched and not actual viewing I am not surprised Flip or Flop got #1. I think their personal drama has cause more interest in the show. I personally didn’t think Christina had education in interior design or and art back ground and it showed. I especially didn’t like it when she wanted glitter in every counter top ugh! But in watching her new show her taste is getting better. I do enjoy watching Property Brothers & Home Town and their remodels are amazing. But I’d say overall I love Fixer Upper the most. My taste is more in line with Joanna’s designs and I love the family dynamics. I’d wished Leanne Ford had a show I certainly would watch her, are you listening HGTV?
Leanne Ford has a show that you must watch, M!!! It’s called RESTORED BY THE FORDS. She and her brother Steve are so amazing. Really good point about Flip or Flop. Were the google searches about gossipy stuff and not sources for decor….I wonder. Have you watched One of a Kind? I adore the designer’s creativity and soulfulness. Every project is tailored and different, and her team are so real and delightful. Thanks so much for playing along.
The only one I watch is Sarah Richardson. I’ve followed her for years on HGTV and now on YouTube. She has a great eye for turning an old, outdated building into a desirable residence. I like that she reuses material from the original in a new way (if possible). I guess we have the same aesthetic. I’m not interested in rustic, country, bohemian, mansions or cold spaces. I could move into Sarah’s spaces.
I know what you mean about Sarah’s sensibilities – she is never trying to show off or do anything trendy – she always balances things just right. I also love her eye for textiles and how she customizes upholstery and design elements with them. I absolutely loved those early Sarah days when she always included DIYs and presented them in a way that was empowering. In those days, the homes she was decorating were mainly small or apartments so they were very rooted in reality. I feel like it is rare now to see any decor shows focus on apartments or small spaces, and I’m sure the audience for them is huge.
Yes, I enjoyed the earlier shows when she was always on the hunt at flea markets. It was refreshing to see a designer using old pieces in a new, clever way.
Tommy was a hoot! We rarely see him make an appearance these days. Tommy, do you hear me?! We Want More Tommy! 😉
She has certainly grown in the Design World. She now has her own line of furniture, area rugs, even wallpaper. She saw a need and filled that niche.
I love Tommy so much – when they are together, Sarah always look like she is trying not to double over with laughter. He cracks me up too, and I wish we could be best friends. Think there’s a fan club? Let’s start one! Hahahahahaha
My favorite is Home Town. Love their attitude.
They are not trying to make millions by putting their name on everything.
Love the quality work they do and that they are reviving Laurel.
Too bad I can’t live there or I would definitely hire them. Wish this renewal happened in more towns.
YES. Just starting watching them a few weeks ago. I would hire them in a heartbeat and trust Erin’s taste. They are doing so much for Laurel as well as the market for vintage with their “Grand-millennial style” which is striking a chord. Thanks so much for reading, Colleen.
Really very interesting article to read. Thank you so much for sharing us!
Thanks for reading. 🙂