Here in the heartland, we honor the season of autumn with deep reverence. It’s fleeting, colorful, and the picture of transformation. At this very moment, a majestic maple in our front yard is bursting with the colors of a sunset. Rosy pink hydrangea are turning nude. Branches dripping with red berries are deliciously awaiting winged friends to land. Squirrels chase and have exceedingly more fun than all other woodland creatures. Exceptional Design Books This Autumn invites you to curl up to a quiet afternoon escape at home with soothing ingredients.

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Curl Up With Exceptional Design Books This Autumn!
What a privilege to witness autumn beauty today from our new home and reflect on where we were this time last year. Days are growing shorter, and the weather this weekend is more soothingly mild and sunny than I can say. In fact, this is the sort of weather residents are willing to earn by braving polar vortex winters and blustery springs.

I rarely showed you our former patio. It was mostly a beautiful party of crispy leaves, windblown branches, and cracked open black walnuts, courtesy of my beloved squirrels.

If I thought we were visited frequently by wild turkey at the old house, they are a fixture here at the new one! I am more than okay that I now have a deck and am not startled by racoons peeking into our patio door! Still, I miss stare-downs with my owl in our old woods, and though we have deer traipsing about daily, I don’t see many foxes, which was always a thrill.
Design Books to Discover & Cozy Ingredients
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This time last year, I was a nominee for Best Written Blog at the Amara Interior Blog Awards, and the virtual ceremony was such a crazy experience!

Can you even fathom the awkwardness of hanging out in a virtual green room with anxious fellow nominees?
Here’s what I wore last year:
Yes I did wear my pink tutu (with pantyhose!) for the Zoom because international blog awards are serious business, doncha know.
No one seemed to notice the ruffled capelet; not a solitary soul cared about the tutu, and maybe it was not all that serious…
unless you’re a design lover.
Which brings me to our topic: cozy autumn day ingredients and delicious design books.
In particular, THREE AMAZING design books from VENDOME.
Treat Yourself to Three Exceptional Interior Design Books
1. LIVING WELL BY DESIGN (Vendome, 2021) by Melissa Penfold
This unbelievably valuable resource book for design is gold. If you have visited Penfold’s exquisite blog, then you may already understand.

Each article sings with rich interior design wisdom, actionable tips, and keenly-researched analysis from a seasoned expert in style.
So try to imagine the glorious awe of an entire book dedicated to living well. Dedicated to help you learn to train your eye, get things right the first time, and slide by with less but better.

Sweet cozy Moses, NO in FULL CAPS, you cannot borrow my copy. Not ever.

Are you (1) human breathing alive (I see no intelligent reason to exclude extraterrestrials or the spirit world) and (2) abiding within shelter?

2. CASA CABANA (Vendome, 2021) by Martina Mondadori
Any design lovers out there who subscribe to Cabana magazine?
It’s something so special, and the magazine’s mood like no other. Here’s how they describe it:
“Whether it be a palazzo, a flat, a folly or a hut, the Cabana mood is an appreciation of the sensory and experiential characteristics of interiors.”
Oh, this fabric-covered work of art of a book! You’ll want to devour the delicious colors in photographs, and the unique tablescapes are destined to inspire designers and homeowners alike.
Prepare for a sensual feast!

Luxuriate in photographs and essays offered in a gracious spirit of abundant joy, of cultured style.
There’s simply nothing else quite like Mondadori’s vivid volume of inspiration to nourish your imagination, to satisfy appetites for decorating, travel, and Italian food.

3. NEW YORK INTERIORS (Vendome, 2021) by Simon Upton
Is this sunshine-hued book by the brilliant Simon Upton likely going to appear as a visual statement on a whole lotta stylish cocktail ottomans across planet earth?
*shakes Magic8Ball*
Signs point to YES.
And just wait til a curious design lover pops it open for a peek inside!
Explore the breathtaking homes of 29 New York City tastemakers, all of whom found friendship with the author, a renowned interiors photographer.
Expect nothing less than chic von chic City and Getaway interiors intimately captured by Upton’s artful lens.
Let yourself be surprised by the diversity inside New York Interiors as you slip into a relaxing autumn design trance.
(And go ahead and procrastinate a little if, like me, you need a break from renovation chores, gardening, and assorted daily chaos…treat yourself to a pocket of cozy time.)

These May Help the Reading Experience!
Psst. I highly recommend the Warby Parker prescription reading glasses I mentioned above along with the orange-scented-love-aroma of Diptyque’s Pomander candle as your companions to these exceptional new design titles.

This was my view last year from the window at my desk in the bedroom:

Just right for a fairy! Speaking of fairies, if you have a moment to be soothed and moved – listen to the wisdom and calming assurance here:
Wishing you extra stolen moments this autumn to notice that Eden is right beneath our noses. To be okay, truly okay, with feeling good and doing kind things for yourself in spite of the suffering all around.
May you seek beauty in books and nature and the relationships you hold dear. May the overflow of beauty sweeten your interior landscape, soften your heart, and manifest blessing.
Peace to you right where you are.
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