Who cares if it’s 20 degrees outside right now? On planet Michele, we can imagine we’re in Southern Cali in the 70s!!!
Locals Only: California Skateboarding 1975-1978 by photographer H U G H H O L L A N D captured these extremely cool images in the 70s just as skateboarding was born.
The images remind me of sons who until recently wore their hair very long and shaggy like surfers (though we’re in the landlocked Midwest).
Hugh Holland’s new book Locals Only: California Skateboarding 1975-1978 (Ammo Books) contains these and other tres cool images.
Peace to you right where you are.
Yes! I needed to see pictures like these today. Everything is pure white outside, covered in snow.. which is beautiful, but I miss the sunshine sometimes. 🙂
I love your blog because I see so many different things here… I learn a lot with you! 🙂
Luciane at HomeBunch.com